So this will be my first of many blogs that I will type and post on my website. Wow, freedom feels good. I'm actually typing my own blog. For so many years, I carefully hand wrote my blogs and I had to rely on a few of my big-hearted friends to either type or scan my blogs for me and post them to my site. (Thank you Becky, Pam, Melissa and Seth.) Tonight I'm sitting here on my comfy couch in my spacious bedroom and typing my own blog. Like so many surreal moments that I have experienced over the past 30 days that I've been free, the small task of typing my blog myself is a big reminder that I'm FREE. (Looking up to the ceiling) THANK YOU LORD!
That's right, today is my 30 day anniversary of being a free man after having spent the past 23 years of life in prison. I celebrated this morning by making myself a Grand Slam breakfast, and what better day to type my first blog than today. For so many days ( awake with my eyes wide open), and for so many nights (asleep with my eyes closed), I dreamed about regaining my physical freedom and how it would be like. My prison stay was so lengthy (from age 17 to age 40) that I forgot how it felt to be free. Prison, as much as I hated it, but because I had to adapt and survive, became my normal. I have to tell all of you, FREEDOM IS BETTER THAN I EVER DREAMED OR IMAGINED IT TO BE (big smile).
My first 30 days of freedom have been amazing. 30 individual miracles with hundreds of miraculous moments occurring each day. Everyday has been a fun adventure, a learning experience, and a priceless gift of living life as a normal person. Even on Saturdays, like today, when I'm on locked down status and I'm not allowed to step one foot out of the house, I'm having a blast. (I'm on an ankle monitor for the first 90 days.) I will take waking up in a house that's 50 times bigger than my prison cell over being back in prison any day. How people get out of prison and even think about committing a crime and risk losing their freedom again, I don't know what in the hell they're thinking. I can't do it. That thought is not even remotely located in my universe. I love being free and the steps I'm taking forward towards building my new life. It may take a little longer succeeding the right (legal) way, but that's the only way I will pursue and fulfill the goals, dreams, and vision that I have for my life. I was wrongly convicted, but when I got locked up at age 17, I was not on the right track. I'm a transformed man now and I'm thoroughly enjoying my new life.
I will post more blogs in the future, but it was on my heart to to express my thoughts and feelings through a few lines tonight on the eve of New Years Eve. I'm on Facebook and Instagram, so I welcome your friendship there. I like to wish all of you a Happy New Year. If your life isn't how you want it to be, I believe you have the power to turn it around in 2018. Set some realistic goals, devise plans to reach them, and execute your plans by working hard to reach your goals. I'd like to thank my family and friends who were there for me while I was at my lowest in prison and who are still there for me helping through this reintegration process. A special thanks to my cousin NATALIE. I'd also like to thank Shadohkt and the rest of my family in Shiraz, Gary, Cyrus, Rick, Fernando, Mike, Jessica, Ivan and Seth. And also....I haven't forgot about you G (wink). Love you girl and wish you all the best in your life. Have a Happy New Year!!!!!! 2018 is going to be a GREAT year. "You don't have to be Great to start, but you have to start to be Great."--Unknown